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Can you combat stress during divorce with positive habits?

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2018 | Divorce, Firm News |

You knew that making the decision to divorce your spouse in California would take its toll from an emotional perspective. You were fully prepared to begin making important decisions about your future relating to your financial situation, living situation and child care situation. However, you never considered how significant amounts of stress could begin to alter your ability to stay focused, be effective in your job and continue to build and maintain solid relationships. Fortunately, there are healthy ways of combating the stress related to your divorce.

One of the most important things for you to remember as you begin the process of separating from your partner is to not forget about yourself and your own needs. It can be easy to get caught up in completing paperwork, organizing financial statements, coordinating a child custody arrangement and negotiating alimony requirements. Before you know it, you have completely forgotten about yourself and are beginning to be buried in a sea of stress and depression. 

According to Live About, some of the things you can do to reduce unnecessary stress include the following:

  • Staying physically active and fit.
  • Set realistic expectations for yourself and the people in your life. 
  • Rely on the support and help of your friends and family. 
  • Let go of the past and focus on creating your future.
  • Take your time when making decisions that will influence your future. 
  • Set aside time to pursue things that interest you. 

The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. 

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